Lets hear it for the Good Guys!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Evil doers beware! Budro is here! In case you have missed him before around Christmas, this is my wild and crazy nephew, and this is what he does during the day... he fights for justice! He also gets alittle pouty...so if you've never seen Iron Man with a frowny face well then just hold onto your stretchy pants cause you're about to;) You will also witness a superhero noogie...oh yes, it's in there people! I'm glad he put up with me for awhile because I am in love with these pics!



Oeil Photography said...

Laura! THESE ARE FLIPPIN AWESOME!!!! any parent would want this for their kids... too bad pepe is into "cars" lol! I'll call you if he gets into super heros.

LAr said...

LOL! Thanks Michelle! That was a fun day:)

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