Emmaleigh Grace and Brandy:)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meet one of my beautiful cousins...and my new cousin! Brandy and Emmaleigh Grace! Off camera, standing in as my lighting assistant for the shoot is my other cousin (and yes actually Brandy is my cousin in-law LOL)...proud Papa Danny...who just was not feeling like getting his Vogue on that day, but he's there cheering us on! Emmaleigh Grace is 3 weeks old, and B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L! She even gave us a bath towards the end hahaha! I was so excited to meet her, and she is such a love! She has the brightest eyes, and "Peeped" at us most of the time. The pink bow made it back from Brandys mini-maternity shoot. Fun idea! Thanks for coming all the way over, and bringing the Peep. I am so happy for you both:)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura , I started crying while looking at these pics because they are so beautiful and amazing. You have so much talent and you are such a wonderful person.I blessed to have meet you and be part of your family. Thank you with all my heart.Love ya!

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