The Bug.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I try to get the kiddo to sit down for me twice a year for photos. I was in her room before the shoot thinking about how she has changed, her toys and taste in clothes have changed, and soon we will redo her room again to upgrade into tween-teen decor. That's when it occured to me that we should handle this springs photos in her bedroom since it changes with her. Her books, her toys, the dogs, saved for today to remember tomorrow. I wont put all of the photos up because, well honestly we aren't the most "clutter-free" family, but if you are wondering why in all of the great locations in our area, I chose to shoot this inside, it's because the beach will be here in 10 years, but my 10 year old won't be 10 then, and that's the story I want told today:)


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